Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Drawing Day 7 - Make a home made tool.

Today was a breeze! The challenge was to find something in a drawer in the house and make a tool out of it. No paintbrushes!  Since I'm not a painter, no problem. The only paintbrushes here have been used on walls! So what was I going to use. Of course the junk drawer would hold something I can use. And there it was, a straw. A plastic straw. And I cut the end of it at an angle and there it was-a shovel, pointy thing, loop maker, everything I need. Now my subject. Backyard birds are everywhere. It's so cold out, the birds are going through seed like crazy. So after I found my "tool" I watched the birds for awhile. And a pretty red cardinal just poised for me. I had a picture of one on my iPad and found him. And the rest is history. I'm excited because....THIS IS MT FIRST DRAWING THAT IS IDENTIFIABLE, (WHOOP-WHOOP), ITS IN COLOR AND ITS GETTING FUSED TOMORROW! I feel the transformation happening. I can do this!!!I'm getting better at this! I feel "it". What is "it"? Stay tuned. It's happening. Here is my drawing.

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