Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Drawing Day 6 - what you plan maybe not what you draw

Oh boy, another 5 drawings in 5 minutes. I didn't have the block like I had on day 5. Just the opposite.    Too many ideas, just running around in front of me. And, what I thought I would draw and start to draw went in the opposite direction. I start to draw a sloop-sail boat- and end up with a snail. No sail but a snail. But at least my trees are starting to come together for me. And the wings on the hummingbird like like wings. Now the beak looks like a needle. So baby steps. It's about the journey. And I am crawling up a mountain. But getting there! Pictures posted all in green frit and white and yellow glass.  I don't know what one I'll put on Kelly's blog. Tune in.

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