Sunday, January 4, 2015

Drawing #4- 5 in 30 minutes

My pictures are posted but out of order. I don't know how to move them around yet so the first one you see in the last post is the last one I did. It's called "flying by the seat of your pants". That what I felt like I was doing in this challenge today. I used a smaller piece of glass, about a 4x6 and used Egyptian blue frit. The blue frit moved around on the glass better then the black I used yesterday. I started out with making a line of frit with my fingers and trying to make trees. Used too much frit. I chopped it up with the business card and 5 minutes was up. Next I used less frit and tried make a few strands of lavender flowers and making a bow with my fingers. Less is the way to go when using your fingers to sprinkle the frit on the glass. #3 is a dolphin. Again I used fingers to sprinkle a lose shape on the glass then the card to move the frit around. I'm getting the hang of the card and using my hand to make curves and movement. #4 I tried sifting frit to cover the glass with only my fingers. No easy out here, all hand and paper work. I pinch the frit with my thumb and index finger, hold my had about 18" above the glass and rub my thumb and finger together. That process covered the glass with a thin coat of frit. It wasn't perfectly even, but I'm not going for perfect. Then I used the card to make lines to shape a horse head. I don't remember what I used my finger for on the glass. I'll have to look at the picture again! The last one explains what the challenge was all about today for me. Again i covered the piece of glass with a coat of frit like I did in #4. I did use a timer and didn't run out of time in any of my drawings. Keeping it simple. So on to Drawing #5.

My mantra- it's not about the destination, it's the journey.

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