Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Drawing day 11 fused - Rasta Carrots

Drawing Day 14 - sketch something that frightens you

Jellyfish frighten me. Say JELLYFISH while I'm in the water and I am up that boatladder in a blink of an eye. Hope you're not on that ladder. I've included the picture I drew from for reference. I took an hour to get into settled into the sketch. I covered the 6x5" blue glass with dense white frit and used purple with gold, lavender, and white frit and pushed it around for awhile. Then I got it together and could shape it. My 1st try looked like a cupcake with strings. I pushed off a lot of the frit. Mixed the colors up and just sketched. Then sifted dense white through the middle and done. Took me a few hours to get off that ladder. Enjoy, here's the pictures

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Drawing Day 13 - Sharks and Personal Items

Drawing Day 13 - Was a marathon drawing day and a nightmare. The challenge was to sketch a shark from the picture Kelly posted. Not a snark just swimming Thursday the water but a great white with its jaws wide open. I worked on this all day. I started on black and used white, because it a great white shark;-) and covered the 6x8" glass. Started, and started, and started. I just could not let it go. 8 hours later I look at it and the top teeth are white, positive, and the bottom teeth black-negitive. So I fixed that as best I could. Then dumped too much white in the mouth so I added black and it looked like the poor shark has a pile of coal down its throat. So he's going in the kiln because I mixed up so much black and white. And the sides look like flames shooting out his sides. It's funny. I hope I can let it go for the next drawing. Gave me a headache. Here's the shark and then there's my dirty mouth shark - potty mouth shark.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Drawing Day 12 - Sketch of Something You Use Everyday

Today's challenge is to sketch something I use everyday, make it personal. As a massage therapist, my hands are my tools, make a living for me, my hands talk to me. I'm also a scuba diving instructor and use my hands to talk to students and divers underwater, using signals with my hands. Thumbs up above the surface means all okay. Thumps up below the surface means going up. So, my hands are are my communicators to the world. I sketched this Thumbs Up with my fingers and thumb, shaded with my fingers and used my straw. Enjoy, everything is Okay!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunflower and Green Apple fused

Bad Ass Apple and Sunflower fused.

Drawing Day 11 - Seeing Beyond What You See - Hey Mon, One Love, Dig It.

Drawing day 11 was fun. The challenge today was to sketch a veggie and pay very close attention to its it smooth, bumpy. Might have to dig a little deeper.

So Mon, I drew Rasta carrots, mon. Do you feel them too.  Hey Mon, I call this drawing "One Love". I'm feeling it, Mon. How about you?
The tools today the straw, paper and sifter.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Drawing Day 10 - Wing it

So for today's challenge just wing it.. Add something to your fruit picture. Anything be it fun, serious, what wp ever, just wing it. Unfortunate accident today...tripped over the cart that held the tray that all my frit drawings were on. So, the red bird and strawberries are gone, like dust in the wind. The sunflower made it, barely. I had to get more frit on it. It's going to look flat and crooked. I had to do another drawing. Here it is. It's called "one bad apple". Tool was fingers, straw and paper. Narley worm, evil looking. Poor guy. I'm not really into worms. Hope it doesn't look like a male body part! On to day 11,

Friday, January 9, 2015

Drawing Day 8 Update

I added some more pedals, more color and depth. I like the drawing much better, much happier.

Drawing Day 9 - Draw a piece of fruit with your homemade tools, paper and fingers

After a few attempts of the fruit I was drawing looked like I don't know what, I finally googled how to draw fruit. And that helped me with images and how you first start with lines and then contouring them. I'm going to the library tomorrow and check out a few drawing how to books. I'm getting it. Only 9 days into this challenge and my confidence is like the tide-comes in and goes out. Today was slack tide (slack tide is in between high tide and low tide), good time to be in the water! Here's my picture.  I'm happy. The tools I used were my fingers, straw and paper. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Drawing Day 8 - Another homemade tool, fingers and paper

A straw, a dish brush, fingers, paper and brain lockup. All these tools and I brain freeze.  Well it is really cold out and I just froze up,at my table. Nothingness, nada. I needed power. I found flower power and that's what ended up on the glass. On such a bitter cold day, a little flower will free your mind and color your world. It happened today when I thought no way. What is "it"? Hang in there, more to come. It's happening. Here's my picture for today. I'm happy.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Drawing Day 7 - Make a home made tool.

Today was a breeze! The challenge was to find something in a drawer in the house and make a tool out of it. No paintbrushes!  Since I'm not a painter, no problem. The only paintbrushes here have been used on walls! So what was I going to use. Of course the junk drawer would hold something I can use. And there it was, a straw. A plastic straw. And I cut the end of it at an angle and there it was-a shovel, pointy thing, loop maker, everything I need. Now my subject. Backyard birds are everywhere. It's so cold out, the birds are going through seed like crazy. So after I found my "tool" I watched the birds for awhile. And a pretty red cardinal just poised for me. I had a picture of one on my iPad and found him. And the rest is history. I'm excited because....THIS IS MT FIRST DRAWING THAT IS IDENTIFIABLE, (WHOOP-WHOOP), ITS IN COLOR AND ITS GETTING FUSED TOMORROW! I feel the transformation happening. I can do this!!!I'm getting better at this! I feel "it". What is "it"? Stay tuned. It's happening. Here is my drawing.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Drawing Day 6 - 5 of 5

Drawing Day 6 - 4 of 5

Drawing Day 6 - 3 of 5

Drawing Day 6 - 2 of 5

Drawing Day 6 - 1 of 5

Drawing Day 6 - what you plan maybe not what you draw

Oh boy, another 5 drawings in 5 minutes. I didn't have the block like I had on day 5. Just the opposite.    Too many ideas, just running around in front of me. And, what I thought I would draw and start to draw went in the opposite direction. I start to draw a sloop-sail boat- and end up with a snail. No sail but a snail. But at least my trees are starting to come together for me. And the wings on the hummingbird like like wings. Now the beak looks like a needle. So baby steps. It's about the journey. And I am crawling up a mountain. But getting there! Pictures posted all in green frit and white and yellow glass.  I don't know what one I'll put on Kelly's blog. Tune in.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Drawing Day #5 - 5 of 5

Drawing Day #5 - 4 of 5

Drawing Day #5 - 3 of 5

Drawing Day #5 - 2 of 5

Drawing Day #5 - 1of 5

Drawing Day #5 - 5 drawings, 5 minutes. Artist Block

Drawing Day 5 was 5 drawings' 5 minutes each. I had artist block. So I went with what I know, underwater. And a drawing of Buddha. There can't be too much detail because you only have 5 minutes. I found I would finish up then have another minute, try to add a curve or curl and the picture is lost. So less is more. Tried the sifter but went back it my fingers. I like feeling the glass. I wear a mask the entire time now. There's too many particles floating around out there! So onward. I'm challenge myself with the paper, making more curves, curls and reading a lot on the internet on how to draw. I ordered some tools tonight to use when we can. I have so much shredded business cards on my glass table. Onward! I'll try to post my drawing on this post. Or, they'll be right after this post.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Update on Drawing #4 - 5 in 30

I had to repost all the pictures so now they are all in order. Today, blogging all this took me longer then doing the drawings.

Drawing #4 - 5 of 5

Drawing #4 - 4 of 5

Drawing #4 - 3 of 5

Drawing #4 - 2 of 5

Drawing #4-1 of 5

Drawing #4- 5 in 30 minutes

My pictures are posted but out of order. I don't know how to move them around yet so the first one you see in the last post is the last one I did. It's called "flying by the seat of your pants". That what I felt like I was doing in this challenge today. I used a smaller piece of glass, about a 4x6 and used Egyptian blue frit. The blue frit moved around on the glass better then the black I used yesterday. I started out with making a line of frit with my fingers and trying to make trees. Used too much frit. I chopped it up with the business card and 5 minutes was up. Next I used less frit and tried make a few strands of lavender flowers and making a bow with my fingers. Less is the way to go when using your fingers to sprinkle the frit on the glass. #3 is a dolphin. Again I used fingers to sprinkle a lose shape on the glass then the card to move the frit around. I'm getting the hang of the card and using my hand to make curves and movement. #4 I tried sifting frit to cover the glass with only my fingers. No easy out here, all hand and paper work. I pinch the frit with my thumb and index finger, hold my had about 18" above the glass and rub my thumb and finger together. That process covered the glass with a thin coat of frit. It wasn't perfectly even, but I'm not going for perfect. Then I used the card to make lines to shape a horse head. I don't remember what I used my finger for on the glass. I'll have to look at the picture again! The last one explains what the challenge was all about today for me. Again i covered the piece of glass with a coat of frit like I did in #4. I did use a timer and didn't run out of time in any of my drawings. Keeping it simple. So on to Drawing #5.

My mantra- it's not about the destination, it's the journey.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

"Back to the Barn"

Drawing #3-Landscape using fingers and card-"Back to the Barn" or horse on toothpicks.

I call this one "Back to the Barn" because they are HORSES! Don't draw and drink. This is what happens. Anyway, the wine is good! I haven't been out to the barn where I ride in 3 weeks! I miss JB and Indy, riding in the pasture, the barn, the trees.  And JB and Indy are not horses on toothpicks. They are the best trail horses. Thank goodness I ride the horses better then I draw them. It 's only day 3. And I only doodle, I know nothing about art. I know the color wheel. So I looked up the meaning of sgraffito. It is a technique of ornamentation in which the surface layer of paint or something else is scratched off with something pointy. This is a board
definition. Pushing, spreading, moving, smearing powder frit over glass into something you can recognize and call your own art is my definition. On to Drawing #4.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Drawing #2-use fingers and business card to draw trees

This was hard for me to use a business card to move powder frit around on glass. I started over 3 or 4 times. I watched Kelly's video over and over. I use light brown-sienna- instead of black. I went tropical.  I hope I don't have to draw any flying birds any time soon. I have flying Vs in powder frit.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

From my 1st drawing.....

I have learned from my first drawing that less is more. You start with just a fine line. I poured a 1/2 jar on my glass and was swimming in powder. It was a mess. I pinched as much as I could back in the jar. I could only use my fingers. And I will always wear a mask over my mouth and nose. The powder is very fine. Next drawing, remember less is more.

Yea Baby, I got it going on now!

I added my drawing to Kelly's blog! Added a photo to my blog. I'm getting the hang of this! Starting to be fun!! Hey, save a horse, ride a cowboy!

1st drawing for challenge 01/01/2015- My Boot