Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Drawing day 11 fused - Rasta Carrots

Drawing Day 14 - sketch something that frightens you

Jellyfish frighten me. Say JELLYFISH while I'm in the water and I am up that boatladder in a blink of an eye. Hope you're not on that ladder. I've included the picture I drew from for reference. I took an hour to get into settled into the sketch. I covered the 6x5" blue glass with dense white frit and used purple with gold, lavender, and white frit and pushed it around for awhile. Then I got it together and could shape it. My 1st try looked like a cupcake with strings. I pushed off a lot of the frit. Mixed the colors up and just sketched. Then sifted dense white through the middle and done. Took me a few hours to get off that ladder. Enjoy, here's the pictures

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Drawing Day 13 - Sharks and Personal Items

Drawing Day 13 - Was a marathon drawing day and a nightmare. The challenge was to sketch a shark from the picture Kelly posted. Not a snark just swimming Thursday the water but a great white with its jaws wide open. I worked on this all day. I started on black and used white, because it a great white shark;-) and covered the 6x8" glass. Started, and started, and started. I just could not let it go. 8 hours later I look at it and the top teeth are white, positive, and the bottom teeth black-negitive. So I fixed that as best I could. Then dumped too much white in the mouth so I added black and it looked like the poor shark has a pile of coal down its throat. So he's going in the kiln because I mixed up so much black and white. And the sides look like flames shooting out his sides. It's funny. I hope I can let it go for the next drawing. Gave me a headache. Here's the shark and then there's my dirty mouth shark - potty mouth shark.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Drawing Day 12 - Sketch of Something You Use Everyday

Today's challenge is to sketch something I use everyday, make it personal. As a massage therapist, my hands are my tools, make a living for me, my hands talk to me. I'm also a scuba diving instructor and use my hands to talk to students and divers underwater, using signals with my hands. Thumbs up above the surface means all okay. Thumps up below the surface means going up. So, my hands are are my communicators to the world. I sketched this Thumbs Up with my fingers and thumb, shaded with my fingers and used my straw. Enjoy, everything is Okay!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunflower and Green Apple fused

Bad Ass Apple and Sunflower fused.

Drawing Day 11 - Seeing Beyond What You See - Hey Mon, One Love, Dig It.

Drawing day 11 was fun. The challenge today was to sketch a veggie and pay very close attention to its it smooth, bumpy. Might have to dig a little deeper.

So Mon, I drew Rasta carrots, mon. Do you feel them too.  Hey Mon, I call this drawing "One Love". I'm feeling it, Mon. How about you?
The tools today the straw, paper and sifter.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Drawing Day 10 - Wing it

So for today's challenge just wing it.. Add something to your fruit picture. Anything be it fun, serious, what wp ever, just wing it. Unfortunate accident today...tripped over the cart that held the tray that all my frit drawings were on. So, the red bird and strawberries are gone, like dust in the wind. The sunflower made it, barely. I had to get more frit on it. It's going to look flat and crooked. I had to do another drawing. Here it is. It's called "one bad apple". Tool was fingers, straw and paper. Narley worm, evil looking. Poor guy. I'm not really into worms. Hope it doesn't look like a male body part! On to day 11,